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Eco Logistics

Logistics services company that operates air and
ocean freight forwarding, local import customs clearance,
and inland transportation, Ecologistics

We provide container transportation and various logistics vehicle services related to the import and export of raw materials and finished products required for the production of each family company in the EcoPro Group, and optimize logistics services.

It continuously provides advanced logistics services to EcoPro Group family companies in response to changing times and industrial development and supports the smooth operation of logistics business within the group.

Company status

  • Corporate name

    Eco Logistics
  • Establishment

    April 2021
  • CEO

    Kang Sung In
  • Employee status

    4 people As of March 2024
  • Sales

    KRW 154 Billion 2023 Annual Report
  • Capital

    KRW 7 Billion 2023 Annual Report